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Looking to nourish your soul and find inner peace? Come on in, and let's explore the transformative power of faith and spirituality together. Dive into our collection of books that offer guidance, solace, and profound insights into the healing journey within. Whether you're seeking comfort, inspiration, or a deeper connection with your faith, our virtual shelves are brimming with wisdom just waiting to be discovered. Grab your favorite cozy spot, a warm drink, and join us on this soul-enriching adventure. Let's embark on a path to inner healing, hand in hand.

Deliver Us From Evil: The Biblical Disciplines and Practices for Deliverance Ministry

Have you ever felt depleted and utterly without hope? Do feelings of heaviness or even oppression sneak up on you despite your best efforts to stay positive? 

The good news is that there is hope! Deliverance ministry can help to bring lasting peace and spiritual healing by equipping you with the tools to confront the negative forces of darkness in your life, in order to be free. 

Through deliverance ministry, deep-rooted emotional, mental, spiritual and physical issues can be overcome in order to support long-term emotional wellbeing. 

In Deliver Us From Evil, you will learn the biblical basis for deliverance ministry. 

The one question that is always asked is, can Christians be demon possessed? If so, how does this happen? If not, why not? It is imperative that the reader understands Satan’s kingdom and its structure and how to effectively wage war with the enemy. 

Naming demonic spirits, learning how and why they attack, and how to become set free from demonic spirits concludes Deliver Us From Evil.

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I Am Finally Free: 7 Steps to Overcoming Emotional Pain

I Am Finally Free: 7 Steps to Overcoming Emotional Pain. This is my book that I use in my 8-week Biblically-Based Inner Healing Course. This book will assist you in learning skills that will help you transform your life from one of emotional pain to internal peace.

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Inner Healing: A Biblically-Based Approach to Spiritual & Emotional Healing

This book will meet the needs of many who are ready to heal emotionally and those who are practitioners in the healing profession. Many are seeking answers for healing from palm readers, spiritualists, or psychics to heal their broken hearts. We know that true inner healing, biblically-based inner healing, comes from the Word of God, The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

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A Biblical Perspecive on Free Masonry: Why No Man Can Serve Two Masters

The Masonic Lodge is the parent organization for the Order of Eastern Star. Though good men and women are members of secret organizations, this does not make the organization good or godly. "We are not wrestling against flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers." Ephesians 6:12. It is the spirit of Freemasonry that makes these organizations incompatible with the Word of God and therefore Christians should not join.

Dr. Pugh has spent more than two decades researching the truth about Freemasonry. She hopes that you will find the information contained in this book liberating. From a biblical perspective you will discover why no man can serve two masters.

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How to Overtake a Territorial Spirit of Murder: Organizing a Joshua Army

As the body of Christ, we have the power and authority in the name of Jesus to overtake the enemy. In the name of Jesus, we can overtake a spirit of murder. Have you grown tired of losing young men and women to gun violence and domestic violence? Does it seem that these needless deaths take place in one specific geographic area of the city? If so, you are dealing with a territorial spirit. 

Organizing and activating a Joshua army are the plans and strategies that God gave me when I grew tired of the enemy ending the lives of far too many young people, when I resided in Wichita, KS. When we formed, though we were few in number, we became aware that we could not just walk and take back the land one time. We had to keep walking as an army of God until He gave us the instructions to get off the battlefield. Five months ended our active duty. The outcome? No crime, no deaths for the five months we walked. It was amazing to see that if we were willing to obey God, to get up and go out, to repent of the sin on the land, and then everywhere our feet touched, to claim that land for the kingdom, that the enemy fled! 

The final outcome? You must read the book for the answer. I share the lessons we learned during our time of street ministry. Body of Christ, rise up now! Take the land back now! Save the lives of your children now!

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STAY ALIVE: LIFE SKILLS: Effective Grand Strategies, Self-Values to Maintain your Mental Health and Multi-level Prevention on Suicide, Grief, Depression and Anxiety Among Adolescents & Youth

If you want to delve deeper and begin your transformation, take advantage of our complimentary exploration and get ready to feel enlightened as each co-author pours their heart(s) into expressing the greatest depths of their journey(s): From Worthless to Worthy. From Bitterness to sweetness. From Helpless to be Hopeful. From Avoidance to Acceptance. From Pain to Gain. From Low self-esteem to Confidence in our authentic selves. From Trauma to Triumph. Feeling Lost to finding one’s path. From going almost Bankrupt to becoming a Millionaire. Being Stuck to finding Peace. From Tears of Pain to Tears of Joy. From Mourning to Dancing. Processing Grief to Celebrate and honor the lives of the ones we love. From Stagnancy to Resiliency. From being Shattered, meaningless life to Meaningful life, abundant and joyous life for eternity. 

This book will help you identify your negative self-talk, self-value and show you how to transform your inner dialogue into an empowering, optimistic voice.

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Disaster Preparation: How to Prepare Before a Disaster

My tagline is, "It is better to have a disaster plan and not need one, than to need a disaster plan and not have one." This e-book will assist you in preparing disaster plan, before a disaster occurs. Its focus is on developing a family plan, practicing the plan and knowing the most important documents, non-perishable and perishable items to put in a 72 hour grab and go bag.

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How to Survive During a Disaster

E-book #2, focuses how to survive during a disaster. The most important preparation to survive a disaster is spiritual preparation. This guide allows the reader to learn how to survive spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and financially during a disaster.

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How To Recover From A Disaster

Recovering from a disaster is a complex process. All disasters are different and the needs of victims and communities all recovering from the same event can vary greatly. The key factor to recover from a disaster is called ‘resilience’, the ability to become strong, healthy, or to successfully recover from shocks, including natural disasters. Resilience comes from your connections to others, and not so much from physical infrastructures or a 72- hour Grab and Go Bag. Now, you can pull out the plan you and your family made before the disaster, the plan suggested in e-book #1 How to Prepare for a Disaster. 

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Finding Our True Freedom: How to Bring Healing to the Broken Hearts of African Americans

Dr. Peggy Pugh (Dr. Peggy Elliott) of Dr. Peggy Pugh Ministries has written a ground breaking work, "Finding Our True Freedom: How to Bring Healing to the Broken Hearts of African Americans." Elliott gets to the heart of much that threatens to paralyze the African American community. Authors such as Bill Cosby and other have documented the problems facing the African American culture. Elliott spells out the solution, getting back to a right relationship with Jesus Christ. "When our vertical relationship is right, then our horizontal relationships will be right," writes Elliott. "Finding Our True Freedom" weaves together challenges facing African Americans and ways God's word can bring restoration.

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Christian Women: Your Guide to Business Success and Inner Healing

I am glad you have decided to purchase my digital product "Christian Women: Your Guide to Business Success and Inner Healing." Making this purchase means you are no longer going to allow the enemy to steal from you what God has promised you, a successful business and an abundant personal life!

This guide allows you to take an in-depth look at where you are experiencing spiritual warfare in your business and your personal life, and to assess if unhealed emotions or unhealed trauma is causing you not to progress. 

As a result of you reading this groundbreaking e-book, you will be able to identify such issues as: imposter syndrome, soul ties, unforgiveness, generational family issues and most importantly, you will begin your healing process. Remember, this guide is just the beginning of setting the stage for your more in-depth inner healing.

Do you know other female Christian business owners who could benefit by this e-book? Why not purchase one for them?

 Purchase your digital copy today for only $47

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New Book Coming Soon!

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Mission Africa

Please partner with us in raising money for women in East Africa who need a scholarship for inner healing and deliverance ministry.

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